Meet the Resonant Technology team

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Sustainable Agriculture is our passion

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Our team is made up of highly specialized engineers, chemists, agronomists, animal nutritionists, biologists and veterinarians with proven, internationally recognized experience. We’re passionate about working toward optimizing the application of our technology and combating climate change now.

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We practice what we preach

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It’s one thing to talk about being sustainable. To deliver market-ready, farmer-verified, highly effective sustainable solutions is something else entirely. Since our inception, our mission has been to develop and produce products which can immediately combat the effects of climate change. In so doing, we have aligned our company values with the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and are proud to have earned an AAA ESG rating. These are just some of the many ways we show our commitment to developing holistic solutions that address the complex and imminent challenges facing our global society. Please visit our sustainability achievements page to learn more.

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